If you’ve own or operate a restaurant, cafe, slow food, boutique coffee shop, street bar, fast food, pizza store, ice cream shop or anything food releated, you know that you need a good looking website. For those people we created a JS Cuisine template.

Demo: https://www.joomshaper.com/joomla-templates/cuisine

JS Konstra is a website template for construction companies of any size. This Joomla construction template has been designed dedicatedly for construction companies, real estate developers, architectural agencies, renovation service providers, and those that offer relevant building services.

Demo: https://www.joomshaper.com/joomla-templates/konstra

JS Empire is a fully responsive Joomla! 3.7+ template mostly for real estate, agencies, builders and other related businesses. This template can be used in marketing and sales activities of real estate projects, new developments, residentials, vacation and rental properties and much more.

Demo: https://www.joomshaper.com/joomla-templates/empire