If you have the problem concerning display product of Woocommerce. it help you can control product display in everywhere and every form as your desire. Also, DHWCLayout plugin allows you to create brands for your shop: each brand can be named, described and assigned an image.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-products-layouts/7384574

Butter is a Restaurant, Bakery, Coffee, Winery and Pizza HTML5 Layouts with Responsive HTML5 / CSS3 (Desktop, tablet, mobile phone…) simple, clean and Professional Layouts.

Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/butter-professional-restaurant-bakery-coffee-winery-and-pizza-html-layouts/15798447

60+ Layouts & Uniques Design Woocommerce Ready (grid, list, carousel support) Custom Taxonomies & Custom Post Types Support QUICK VIEW Support ADDING ADSENSE ADS BETWEEN POSTS Retina Ready Hashtag Filters.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/ultimate-layouts-responsive-grid-addon-for-visual-composer/17454996