WishList Member (Extended Edition) is the most comprehensive membership plugin for WordPress users.
Demo: https://member.wishlistproducts.comSureMembers is the fastest and easiest way to protect content on your website.
Demo: https://suremembers.comARMember is the best WordPress Membership Plugin with latest features and an easy to use interface.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/armember-complete-wordpress-membership-system/17785056Restrict Content Pro is a WordPress plugin, created by Pippin Williamson that strives to be the premiere membership platform for WordPress.
Demo: https://restrictcontentpro.comUnlike many other membership plugins, Ultimate Membership Pro is powerful, properly built and packed with everything you need.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/ultimate-membership-pro-wordpress-plugin/12159253Aztec is an easy-to-use video and audio streaming WordPress theme.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/aztec-video-streaming-membership-theme/33550079Omago News will enable you to create almost any type of site where users can join and become members with absolute ease.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/omago-news-user-profile-membership-content-sharing-theme/20727955MemberPress Pro will help you build astounding WordPress membership sites, accept credit cards securely, sell online courses, control who sees your content, and sell digital downloads.
Demo: https://memberpress.comAardvark is a complete community focussed WordPress theme. Buy with confidence from an elite author specialising in BuddyPress themes.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/aardvark-buddypress-membership-community-theme/21281062The Most Complete Membership Solution for Your WordPress Site. Unlimited levels, recurring payments, registration & profile fields, protected member content, robust member management and more.
Demo: https://www.paidmembershipspro.comUniMatrix is a standalone PHP-MySQL script to build a membership website, affiliate program, or network marketing using a Unilevel plan or Forced Matrix plan with spillover and re-entry options.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/unimatrix-membership-mlm-script/25882083Vayvo is an easy-to-use audio and video streaming WordPress Theme.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/vayvo-media-streaming-membership-theme/23345572