Wostix - Waste Pickup & Disposal Services HTML5 Template is a modern and elegant page. You can use this template for develop your website like as cleaning company, house cleaning, trash & garbage pickup, recycling service etc.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/wostix-waste-pickup-disposal-services-html5-template/43793793Local Pickup for WooCommerce enables customers to select their Shipment pickup with time slot. It enables the user to schedule their pickup ( the delivery slot) as their convenient slot, and helps sellers as well to manage their shipment with hassle-free.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/local-pickup-for-woocommerce/34768481WooDelivery | Delivery & Pickup Date Time for WooCommerce is a WooCommerce plugin that gives you the facility of selecting both PickUp and Delivery or Only Delivery or Only Pickup with date and time at order checkout page.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woodelivery-delivery-pickup-date-time-for-woocommerce/32046685InstaFood, a unique platform built on WordPress, will help you create and manage contactless e-menus. InstaFood comes with an interactive mobile web app, that supports dine-in, delivery and pick-up.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/instafood-qr-menu-food-delivery-pickup-and-dinein-for-wordpress/34930297The Advanced Local Pickup (ALP) plugin helps you handle store pickup more conveniently by extending the WooCommerce Local Pickup shipping method and creating a local pickup fulfillment workflow.
Demo: https://www.zorem.com/product/advanced-local-pickup-pro/WooCommerce Local Pickup Plus - Improves customer satisfaction by offering to choose a location where they can pick up the goods.
Demo: https://woocommerce.com/products/local-pickup-plus/