Uber - Lyft - Taxi Cab - On Demand Taxi is an application like Uber that allows you to order a taxi, book a taxi developed in Flutter with great design.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/uber-lyft-taxi-cab-on-demand-taxi-complete-solution-flutter-androidios-laravel/50118776TAGXI strives the best to add value to your Taxi Business through innovation and technology.
Taxi Booking App app is a complete clone of UBER and a full fledge TAXI Booking script designed with latest technologies.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/taxi-booking-app-a-complete-clone-of-uber-with-userdriver-backend-cms-coded-with-native-android/21159778JA Uber is a universal solution for business sites, business card sites and corporate portals from the guys from the professional web studio JoomlArt.
Demo: https://joomlart.com/joomla/templates/uberWith Smartwaka you can create your own app like Uber with the Laravel admin panel. Dispatcher dashboard, account manager, ratings and reviews, trip history, planned trips and more.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/smartwaka-complete-solution-like-uber-with-webpanel/33687309