eDemand lets you create a marketplace for the various service providers around the city. by using which you can provide services to customers at their doorstep.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/edemand-multi-vendor-on-demand-home-doorstep-services-marketplace-with-flutter-app-admin-panel/40825792

Ready Ecommerce is the perfect solution for your business. Optimize your workflow, increase revenue, and enjoy effortless management with our versatile platform designed to meet all your e-commerce needs.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/ready-ecommerce-complete-multi-vendor-ecommerce-mobile-app-website-rider-app-with-seller-app/52519302

Fixit User App is Services App. In this, user can schedule services for beauty and wellness for both men and women, as well as house maintenance and repairs including AC repair, electrician, plumber, and carpenter.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/fixit-multi-vendor-on-demand-handyman-home-service-flutter-app-with-admin-complete-solution/52970816