Page Builder CK Params

Create your content easily with drag and drop and many predefined elements without effort. You can create your custom pages using accordions, tabs, icons, and styles them like you want with the styling interface.
- Full Drag'n Drop interface
- Direct preview in the interface (Real preview)
- Columns styling without code
- Lightweight frontend page
- Front end edition
- Easy Google Font selection
- Collection of icons from Font Awesome (about 600 icons)
- Backup automatically up to 6 versions of your page and restore them instantly
- Page Builder CK Module to create a page where you want in any position of your template
- Image upload with drag and drop from your computer
- Online library of predefined elements
- Button to undo / redo your actions
- Save and reuse your favorites styles
- Inline edition in your text
- Compatible with Tinymce and JCE to edit your text with a full editor
- Multiples options to set animations
- Works natively in your articles, compatible with : ACL, multilanguage, blog display...
- Advanced responsive options on any elements : custom resolution values, show / hide / stack your elements
- You can create your own library of elements (add-ons) to drag and drop in any page
- CSS compilation option to merge all css in one file for SEO
- Nested rows
- Parallax effect
- Front Edition direclty in the template (compatible with Template Creator CK)
- Custom media folder for each user
Don't hesitate to share you experience on the forum to make it even better.
| 3.9 Mb
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