QuickDate is a social application for QuickDate PHP Script Dating social network, with QuickDate users can Match & Interact with users profiles and like and find near by and more, Now using the application is easier, and more fun!

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/quickdate-android-mobile-dating-platform-application/23380884

WoWonder Android Messenger is an Android chat application for WoWonder PHP social network, with WoWonder Android Messenger users, can chat together on their mobile phones using our new application, now chat is faster, easier, and more fun!

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/wowonder-android-messenger-mobile-application-for-wowonder/19034167

Shortzz is a flutter template to create short video apps with amazing features like Short Videos with Hashtags, Likes, Gifts, Live Streaming, Real-time chats, Light-Dark Mode, Watermark, Sending Gifts and lot more to come.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/shortzz-short-video-app-flutter-script-with-admin-panel-android-ios-tiktok-clone-template/38177023

Tictic / TikTik - Android app for creating and sharing short videos. The customizable social video application to build your own trending video sharing platform with video dubbing features, various filters & social media integrations & more.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/tictic-android-media-app-for-creating-and-sharing-short-videos/23770993