Super Turbo Whatsapp Filter v5.3.1

Super Turbo Whatsapp Filter Is A Excellent Whatsapp Plugin For WordPress.
Whatsapp Turbo Contacts Filter and Validator Features
- Filter Speed: Able To filter approximately 1,000 contacts per Second
- Import: Import Contact list from any file
- Bulk Import: Bulk Import Folder contain Multi Files
- Export Valid: Export Active Whatsapp Contacts
- Export Non-Valid: Export In-active Whatsapp Contacts
- Auto Save: Auto Save Results option to PC, No need to wait watching software while working.
- Report:: Save Report for Active and in-Active Contacts to PC
- Unlimited: No filtration Limits and No usage Period
- Generator: Generate a list of Contacts for any country and supported with country code
- No BETA Restrictions: Our Software using the Normal Whatsapp, not BETA.. we knows the Secret.
- Support: Included with Purchase.
- Asian 14 Support: Also Support Validation for Asian 14 Digits Mobile Numbers.
- No-BAN: Filter Million of Contacts with no BAN Worries, Just follow the userguide recommendations.
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