Prophecy is a betting management system. It can be used to guess the result of WorldCup / Tournament matches in a kind of prediction.
Demo: is a complete solution for an Online Currency Exchange WordPress plugin.
Demo: Coming Soon ultimate Responsive for WordPress with 2 modern layouts and Countdowns is the most all in one desired and use Plugin on his niche.
Demo: is a premium Real Estate HTML template built to create amazing and intuitive Real Estate listings website or Real Estate marketplace that your customers will love to surf.
Demo: Timetable is a super flexible schedule plugin for WordPress, with fully responsive interface and fascinating UI.
Demo: spending lots of hours and money on creating good content!. An assistant who will produce relevant and competitive content for your Joomla website! Open AI Content Creator for Joomla Websites.
Demo: to develop multi-functional eCommerce WordPress themes, Magentech brings you Victo - a clean and modern design for any online store or multi vendor marketplace website especially hitech store, electronics shop or digital marketplace.
Demo: Licenser is a WordPress plugin for all types of product licensing. It also manages product updates, automatically generates a license code, Envato's built-in license checker, full license control and more.
Demo: is a powerful marketing tool which works with or without AwoCoupon to produce a fantastic reward system!
Demo: Gig is a powerful, vibrant Night Club, Concert, and Festival WordPress Theme with a modern festive design. It was developed specifically for Comedy Club, Stand-up Bar, Open Mic Event, Stand-up Concert, Stand-up Artist.
Demo: Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids For WordPress is a pack of pure CSS3 Web Pricing Tables with 2 table styles and 20 predefined color versions that comes loaded with tons of options like extensive admin panel with live configuration.
Demo: Amazing Wordpress Theme For Underground Music Websites! Now with a new interactive 3D background and Elementor support, as well as 8 new Elementor widgets, glitch effects, 3D interactions, carousels and sliders.