Use external image / video / slider as featured image of your post / page or custom post type (WooCommerce product).
Demo: https://featuredimagefromurl.comWP Featured News is a simple plugin which allows you to display your posts or custom-post-types anywhere of your web-pages with over 31 powerful and creatively designed post blocks.
Auto Featured Image Premium automatically generate the Featured Image from the first image in post or any custom post type only if featured Image is not set manually.
Demo: is a feature rich cryptocurrency exchange software. With support for multiple cryptocurrencies, you can host purchases and sales using direct bank transfer, credit cards, or any other supported payment gateways.
Demo:, full-featured advertising system. Targeting by countries, OS, browsers, device types (mobile, tablets, PC), categories; Click fraud protection; 2 payment models CPC (cost per click), CPM (cost per impression); Manage users, sites, campaigns, ads;
Demo: all know that it is much better to display images than plain text. The YITH WooCommerce Featured Audio and Video Content plugin allows you to attach an audio file or video to your product instead of a featured image.