WooCommerce Tiered Pricing - Price By Quantity Plugin empowers merchants to provide discounts for products based on quantity with more effective way by showing the quantity discount table on the product page.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-tiered-pricing-price-by-quantity-plugin/25497373Guide your users to the correct purchase of some products and set minimum or maximum quantity for them
Demo: https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-minimum-maximum-quantity/The WooCommerce Advanced Quantity plugin lets you control how the quantity field for products is working.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-advanced-quantity/11861326WooCommerce Min Max Quantity & Step Control plugin offers to control of all products or specific products with minimum, maximum and step of quantity. With this plugin you will be able to set your product quantity as much as you want.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-min-max-quantity-step-control/22962198WooCommerce Custom stock Quantity Reduction plugin enables a multipliers stock per product variation to sell single, multiple boxes, case, bundles and packs. Which shares stock level within WooCommerce, Supports both simple and variable variation products with email notification to an admin about stock levels.