Visibility Logic Pro for Elementor v2.3.2

Dynamic visibility conditions. hide any Elementor widget or section like a Pro. Advanced Content Visibility Logic for Elementor.
The visibility settings will only affect widgets rendering in the frontend. While you are inside Elementor editor you will be able to see all of them.
- NEW - Flex container visibility restrictions support
- User Meta content restriction
- Restrict content based on User Browser (Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, etc)
- Date & Time restrictions for content
- Hide a whole section if all widgets inside it are hidden using visibility settings (Works with nested sections/containers too)
- Geo Location – Use MaxMind to dynamically display elements based on user’s country.
- Dynamic conditions – Restrict Elementor widgets and sections based on all Elementor Pro Dynamic tags.
- WooCommerce Users – Restrict based on user’s order/subscription
- Easy Digital Downloads Users – Restrict based on user’s order/subscription
- Advanced User Meta – Support for multiple user meta conditions with And/Or condition.
- Post & Page, Taxonomy, URL Parameter content restriction.
- Archive restrictions based on Post types and taxonomies.
- IP & Referrer restrictions.
- WordPress Conditional Tags restrictions.
- Fallback – Allows you to replace a hidden element with a text message or an Elementor template.
- Copy/Paste visibility settings between widgets or sections by right-clicking an element.
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