WP Auto Republish Premium v1.2.5.1

WP Auto Republish plugin helps revive old posts by resetting the post date to the current date. This will move old posts to your home page, to the top of archive pages and back to RSS feeds. Ideal for sites with a large repository of evergreen content.
- New visitors to your site didn't see your old content. This will help them discover it.
- Old content will not show up when searching by date on search engines, but resetting the date may make it fresh again.
- People enjoy sharing and linking to new content, and they determine this by looking at the date it was posted.
- It will highlight older posts by moving them back to the home page and to the RSS feed.
- WP Auto Republish Premium will improve your blog's visibility, traffic and SEO!
- And also Google loves updated content if done right.
| 1.8 Mb
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