WPLMS Learning Management System App for Education & eLearning v3.0

Appendix WPLMS Student is a mobile application designed for the learning management system WPLMS the WordPress. The mobile application integrates with REST API and oAuth Server, developed in WPLMS LMS system.
- Automatically display your courses from the WPLMS site.
- Automatically recognize user logins from your site.
- Students can register directly in the app and their account is created on the site.
- Students can view courses in the App Catalog and subscribe to courses.
- Students can enroll in free courses or pay through the website - WooCommerce payment system that supports multiple payment gateways.
- Students can track their courses on the app or website synchronously.
- Student courses are downloaded and available offline.
- The administrator can send notifications and updates to the users of the application.
- Administrator can remove / force users to exit the application.
- In-app wishlist function.
- Blog function in the app.
- Quiz with MCQ, MCC, Fill Blank, Choose Drop, Text Answer Type.
- Quiz results section.
- User panels with course and quiz charts.
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