Dashtrap - Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard & UI Kits
Dashtrap – Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard is a multipurpose Admin and Webapp UI Kit based on the Utility-first CSS framework Bootstrap v5.3.2. It also includes many reusable elements, components, layouts, forms, and dashboards that you can use in your project. Dashtrap is a powerful, ultra-responsive, modern, and flexible UI Kit that can be used to build any modern web application, including a SaaS-based interface, custom admin panels, dashboard, CRM, CMS, LMS, e-commerce panel, etc.
Key Features:
- Built with Bootstrap
- Easy customizations with extensive use of SCSS variables
- Creative and Modern Design
- Fully responsive and works across all modern/supported browsers, and devices
- Easy development and tooling with Gulp workflow
- 50+ Pages
- 300+ UI Components
- Charts Library
- RTL & LTR Support
- Error pages included
- 3000+ Font Icons
- Light & Dark Sidebar
- Light & Dark Topbars
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